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SEO Module for ASP.NET
SEO Module for ASP.NET
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XP Idea SEO Module


XP Idea SEO Module will give you hand free ride by dynamically generating META keywords and if you wish, page description and  title you should be using on the page - and as result, helps to improve your WEB site's search engine rank.  It will find most correlated keywords and append them to existing keywords (if any) you have specified in META “keywords” tag of the WEB page.  Then it will pick most keyword-rich sentences and place them into page description and the title (optionally).   



  • Scans page for  best keywords
  • Scores pages on a wide range of criteria, not just keyword density
  • Suggests keywords and phrases (keyphrases) based on existing content
  • Ranks phrases and sentences by keyword density and weight
  • Automatically filters out meaningless "stop-words"
  • Automatically updates KEYWORDS meta tag.
  • Helps make your web site a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED!
How it works
  • SEO Module intercepts the page before its send to client browser and extracts all text from the page, including page title and description.
  • Stores existing keywords as priority. 
  • It then counts the words in the page and finds patterns of repeated phrases. Keywords and phrases with maximum density are returned as suggested keywords and sentences.
  • Includes existing keywords into keywords meta tag.
  • Replaces old keyword META tag with new one
  • Optionally replaces page description and page title.
  • Sends modified page to client browser.
How it helps Search Engines?
  • Keep page title, description and content relevance high
  • Prevents stuffed pages from penalizing your position;
  • Optimizes for only the keywords and phrases that are relevant to your web page;
  • Makes your pages "search engine friendly" for most of popular engines;
  • Helps to develop relevant and profitable web pages.
To get higher ranking in the search engines, it is very important to keep META tags such as keywords, title and description related to the WEB page content. Although it is very difficult or impossible to manually pick right keywords, especially if your WEB page contains some dynamic content. When web server sends page back to a client, this module automatically generates most correlated keywords, description and title and inserts them into returned page. Therefore, you do not have to worry about updating your META tags every time you modify the page - this module does it for you automatically.  So the final result is - search engines will keep your relevance and page rank high.
After web page is rendered by WEB server and is ready to be sent to a client browser, our module intercepts it and performs extensive keyword analysis of the page content . Once keywords found, they placed into META keywords tag (if exists) and then page sent back to a requesting client. So, here is how page header will look like before and after being processed by our module:


Entertainment, Arts, Reference,Culture, FindSeekWeb


Entertainment,ORIGINAL,Health,WEB Directory, Arts, Reference,Culture, FindSeekWeb,

Media,software, REVOLUTIONARY New,Social Science,Promote,Computer,Autohit,Newest Links,
categories Link,Brain,FILIPINO,Free,Recreation,Government,Social

As you can see, it adds more related keywords found in the page, therefore the search engine will be able to see relevance of keywords to the actual page content.




Price $49.99
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